Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another season is over....

ok, ladies, I'm trying out this blog-thing....I figure it's a good way to post news, stories, stats, scores, etc...any feedback is much appreciated...

just a reminder that our annual general meeting is Oct 19 @ 7:30 upstairs at the Legion, so please make your presence known - there's also a draw for all those in attendance to get your registration for 1/2 price next year!! 

of course, the banquet will be Oct 23rd & it sounds like it will be well attended (but of course - there's food & alcohol there, duh!).  it's always nice to see how well everyone cleans up....

that's it for now,

ciao bellas!


1 comment:

  1. Hey KT
    This Blog thingy is new to me too, so I'm not sure if anyone will or will care to read my message, but here goes.
    First off, I'd like to Thank the Ladies from Twilight for coming out along with a few "ringers" Cheryl Philips, Carolyn Quibbel and the mighty Karen Turner to play against the Sloppy Mitts. Everyone had a lot of fun, and the guys on the "other" team were especially impressed with the quality of talent from the Ladies.

    Thanks Deb for the ride home after I was abandoned by my daughter and son-in-law....nice kids eh...and they even won..albeit by loading the left side of the field with all guys....pfffftt chicken chits....:)

    Also, thanks to the Twilight ladies, you guys were awesome to play with, a real pleasure and made each and every game fun to play. Fun is 90%, winning is the other 10....so it's ok that we finished our season with a 90% average :)

    See everyone at the banquet !

