Thursday, April 21, 2011

The flu has landed....

Our home has been invaded by that unwanted houseguest, the flu.....if it EVER goes away, I will be posting teams, schedule, biographies, please hang in there!!!  I WILL SURVIVE!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 Registration

Last date for registration in person is at the Tottenham Mall this Saturday, March 19th from 10am to 1pm, the cutoff date is March 26th, so if you can't make it, please contact Kathy Barratt - her phone number is on page 2 of the application.

Thanks, see you on the diamond in approximately 2 months!!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Registration 2011

Registration will be held on the following Saturdays:   Feb 26, March 5 & March 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Tottenham Mall - the fee is $135.  The cutoff date is March 26th - any registrations received after that will be subject to a late fee of an additional $25.

I've attached a registration form that can be printed off (right click on one page at a time, select open link, right click & select print picture) & brought to the Mall if you didn't get an e-mail from Shannon.

The draft will be Friday April 8th at the Legion @ 7:30 - it's a closed draft, but feel free to attend the Legion to find out what team you ended up on & of course to socialize!!
